Saturday, August 6, 2016

Team Cast of CSB Season 1

***START DATE 8/21/2016***

1. Code Black
Code Black is a team that is comprised of friends that has been playing in CSB off and on for 8 years.  They are a young/veteran team that has great chemistry.  Code Black are lead by Henry and Rommel.  
Offense: 4/5
Defense: 3/5
Chemistry: 4/5
Shooting: 3/5
Passing: 3/5
Rebounding: 3/5
2. Bay Hype
Bay Hype is a new team.  They are a great combination of speed, shooting and exciting plays.  Bay Hype has played for CSB for a short time, one season, but show great promise.  Bay Hype are lead by Jason and Jimmy.

Offense: 3/5
Defense: 3/5
Chemistry: 2/5
Shooting: 3/5
Passing: 2/5
Rebounding: 3/5
3. Gene's Team
4. Hornets
Hornets has three seasons under their belt.  They are a group of friends that has great potential!  They have proven that they can come back to win and grind out close games.  There issue is consistency and chemistry. Hornets are lead by Gino.

Offense: 3/5
Defense: 2/5
Chemistry: 2/5
Shooting: 3/5
Passing: 2/5
Rebounding: 3/5
5. Second Fam
6. JAC Athletics
JAC Athletics has put their skills and chemistry to the test in our Tuesday Program and now they want to see what they can do on Sunday.  It is a newly formed team but the IQ is high despite their age.  JAC has good passing, shooting and stifling defense.  JAC is lead by Xavier.

Offense: 4/5
Defense: 4/5
Chemistry: 4/5
Shooting: 3/5
Passing: 4/5
Rebounding: 3/5
7.Thermal Squad
Thermal Squad,is made up of four to five core players that has played for CSB for three seasons with Code Black.  They are reforming the core and adding more pieces to the core group.  They are a fast, shooting, wild bunch.  Thermal Squad are lead by Kevin and Carl.

Offense: 3/5
Defense: 2/5
Chemistry: 4/5
Shooting: 3/5
Passing: 3/5
Rebounding: 3/5
8. Bay Sikhs
Bay Sikhs completed a disappointing first season.  They have a tremendous upside.  Bay Sikhs have length, speed, shooting and rebounding.  They are a wonderful combination of youth and veterans. Bay Sikhs are lead by Ernst and Himat.

Offense: 3/5
Defense: 2/5
Chemistry: 3/5
Shooting: 3/5
Passing: 3/5
Rebounding: 4/5

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

CSBtv Reality Doc-Series

We are moving into a new and exciting direction!  With over 8 years of recording game videos and making stupid short clips on our You Tube Channel, it's time to take a leap and challenge myself and my team to take this up a notch.  We will be producing a Reality Doc-Series instead of approaching recreational basketball like we have been for the last 8 years.  It's time to stretch our creative wings.  It has been a long time coming.  

If you have not received the invitation to participate in our series, please don't take it personal.  We invited teams and players that we feel will show up every game, have respect for our project and that bring entertainment value with their combination of characters on their team.  We will be producing this seris for our upcoming Saturday and Sunday AAA rec div. 

So without further ado here are the teams that we have chosen:
  1. Code Black (confirmed)
  2. Bay Hype (confirmed)
  3. EBCK
  4. Gene's Team (confirmed)
  5. Infamous
  6. Driven
  7. Flick
  8. Drexel's Team (confirmed)
  9. Hornets (Gino's Team) (confirmed)
  10. Second Fam (confirmed)
  11. Calvary Legends

Standing Updates and Playoff Bracket

Updated Standings

1. Code Black 2-0
2. JAC 2-0
3. EBCK 1-1
4. Jon's Team 1-1
5. Henn Boys 0-2
6. Raymond's Team 0-2

1.Untamed 5-0
2.Special Agents 5-0
3.Problem 1-4
4.Brakkin Blood 1-4
5.Soldiers 1-4
6.Henn Boys 2-2

1. Code Black 4-1
2. Taryn's Team 2-2
3. Zoom-Flash 2-2
4. Henn Boys 2-2
5. JAC Athletics 2-3
6. Bay Hype 3-3
7. Second Fam 1-4

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Standing Updates and Playoff Bracket

Updated Standings

1. Jon's Team 1-0
2. Code Black 1-0
3. EBCK 0-1
4. Raymond's Team 0-1
6. Chris's Team 0-0
7. JAC 0-0

1.Untamed 4-0
2.Special Agents 4-0
3.Problem 1-4
4.Brakkin Blood 1-3
5.Soldiers 1-3

1. Code Black 3-1
2. Taryn's Team 2-1
3. Zoom-Flash 2-2
4. JAC Athletics 2-2
5. Bay Hype 2-3
6. Henn Boys 1-2
7. Second Fam 1-3

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Standing Update and Sunday Playoff Bracket

Sunday's Playoffs Bracket

Updated Standings

1.Untamed 4-0
2.Special Agents 3-0
3.Problem 1-3
4.Brakkin Blood 1-2
5.Team X 1-2
6.Soldiers 0-3
Taryn's Team 2-0
Zoom-Flash 2-1
Code Black 2-1
JAC Athletics 2-2
Bay Hype 2-2
Henn Boys 0-2
Second Fam 0-3
Inter-D League
1.The New Team 6-0
2.Eagles 4-2
3.Last Na To 4-2
4.Sleepers 4-2 
5.Hooligans 3-3
6.RL Sports 3-3
7.Calvary Legends 6-0
(Transferred AAA)
1.Code Black 4-2
2.The Squad 4-2
3.Driven 4-2
4.Flick 3-3
5.Wet Mob 3-3
6.Bay Sikhs 3-3
7.The Good Life 3-3
8.Henn Boys 2-4
9.Hornets 2-4
10.Skyweezy 0-6

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

New Programs and Seasons on the Horizon

It has been a rough month and a half for CSB.  Losing Chabot has hurt our programs and the refund process has been a painful wait.  I want to thank the teams and players for their patience.  Gym time has been hard to find and it forced our hand to get creative in designing a program to meet the community's and our budgetary needs.  We have done test runs with our new program on our Thursday Invitational and Saturday COED programs and it has proven to be successful, but for our Sunday Program it has been a tough transition.  It is a necessary evil in the case of our Sunday programs because of the time available to us.  

In the midst of the major adjustment I think I have found our NICHE.  REAL affordable basketball programs for our community that allows us to be time efficient which truly benefits our staff and I... I think spending less time in the gym has been truly a good thing for me. Being able to get 3 games in two hours is an amazing feat and it saves so much money on gym rental, staff and officials over a long season.

So moving forward:

  • $625 to $650 team fee depending on the day and gymnasium 
  • 7 guaranteed games (6 regular season games plus playoffs)
  • 35 minutes games (17 minute first half and 18 minute second half)
  • 6 timeouts per game
  • 15 second timeouts
  • Game clock stops at 1 minute per half
  • 1 min OT (1 timeout per team)
  • 1 min 2OT (First team to score wins)
I understand that some teams and players may not like this adjustment but I think teams are getting more.  I have always been the kind to stir things up and to put the needs of the community first, many times to the detriment of our organization.  I realize now that there are a lot of MF's that just don't give a fuck.  I am making it clear that we will only serve players and teams that really appreciate the work, commitment and sacrifice that it takes to develop these programs. 

One of the BIG adjustments that we will be making is how we handle team fees.  We will not accept CASH unless you are a team that have history of paying in FULL on the first game, otherwise we must only accept payments in advance through our Pay Pal or Venmo accounts.  We will require down payments two to three weeks in advance and schedule payments 7 days prior to your team's scheduled games or your game will be forfeited.  Team captains and players need to accept that we have to work together to make these programs work. We are so tired of all the excuses that we hear on game day.  I have been doing this for 8 years now so I have heard everything. Believe me when I say that there are teams that pay in full weeks in advance and or on the day of their first game.  So it is possible!

I know we will lose teams and players but CSB has to move in this direction in order to achieve our community goals and to take our programs to the next level.  This is a team effort and we depend heavily on your support and reliability.  Let the shit talking and rumors fly... I have thick skin.  OUT!

Saturday AAA Rec (This program will replace the Sunday AAA Rec) @ El Rancho 
Start date July 30
  1. Code Black
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
Sunday Inter-D League @ MJCC (Late games 7-11 or 8-11 pm)
  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Updated Standings and Sunday's Playoffs Bracket


1.Special Agents 2-0
2.Untamed 2-1
3.Problem 1-2
4.Brakkin Blood 1-2
5.Team X 1-1
6.Soldiers 0-3

Taryn's Team 2-0
JAC Athletics 2-0
Zoom-Flash 2-1
Bay Hype 2-1
Code Black 1-2
Henn Boys 0-1
Second Fam 0-2

There are some teams in the AAA Division that still need to play one more game.  We need to rectify those games before starting the playoffs unless all the teams want to move forward with the playoffs.  I will check with them.  We will have a 7 team single elimination playoff format.
*** Thank you to Andrew Bernados with PPBL for providing us with this bracket

Inter-D League
1.The New Team 6-0
2.Eagles 4-2
3.Last Na To 4-2
4.Hooligans 3-3
5.RL Sports 3-3
6.Pwede Ka 2-4
7.Calvary Legends 5-0*
(Transferred AAA)
1.The Squad 4-2
2.Code Black 3-2*
3.Driven 3-2*
4.Flick 3-2*
5.Wet Mob 3-3
6.Bay Sikhs 3-3
7.The Good Life 3-3
8.Henn Boys 2-4
9.Hornets 2-4
10.Skyweezy 0-5*

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Why am I seeing you at other Bball Leagues?

Great question!  All of the Bball organizations that I support are run by friends.  And as a friend I offer my support through recording their games, doing vlogs and to share my experience as a community organizer. This is a two way street though.  They help me out as well in many ways:  they help with gym time, offer their refs and staff to help me out when I need it.  The help comes full circle and I am grateful for their support and friendship.

If it wasn't for the mentorship from Edgar with IBL, Fred and Dennis with NOYP and Paula and Mark with FIBL I would have a harder time to establish my vision for CSB.  And my vision continues to evolve as the social and economic environment changes.  With growing gym prices and gym availability problems, the organizations and the community has to compromise and adjust program expectations so that programs can be sustainable.  

I hate the notion that organizations can't work together because we are competitors.  I think that is a very narrow and non progressive way of looking at this.  It is a fact that since the Warriors have been greatly successful the interest for recreational basketball has risen.  I mean seriously, this is a sports town.  There are enough basketball players and teams out there for all of us to serve.  As organizers we have to work harder to be able to reach new talent and energy to keep the competition fair and competitive.

Shout out to PPBL, PBAddicts, IBL, NOYP and BLOL.  Continue with your great work!  See you all soon!


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Post 4th of July Break and Program Standings

July 5

WOW!  A much needed break!  I'm feeling fresh and new, happy Tuesday everybody!  Let me start this blog by first acknowledging the De Leon Bros on their birthdays!  Bryan and Kris have been life savers and a constant reminder that there great people in the world.  You both have been and continue to be here for me and CSB Community!  I cannot say thank you enough for all your support through the years.  Happy Birthday guys!

It is looking like we won't have another holiday weekend until I believe Labor Day Weekend which will be September 3-5.  We can now get our Saturday and Sunday programs seasons moving.


1.Special Agents 2-0
2.Untamed 1-1
3.Problem 1-1
4.Team X 1-1
5.Soldiers 0-2
6.Brakkin Blood 0-2

1.Taryn's Team 1-0
2.Bay Hype 2-1
3.Code Black 1-1
4.Zoom-Flash 1-1
5.Second Fam 0-1
6.JAC Athletics 1-1

Inter-D League
1.The New Team 4-0
2.Eagles 4-1
3.RL Sports 3-2
4.Hooligans 3-2
5.Last Na To 2-2
6.Pwede Ka 2-3
7.Rebels 0-5
***We will be adding Calvary Legends to the Inter-D League.  We decided to allow all teams to make the playoffs.  
1.Calvary Legends 5-0
2.Driven 3-1
3.Flick 3-2
4.Wet Mob 3-2
5.Code Black 2-2
6.Bay Sikhs 2-3
7.Henn Boys 2-3
8.The Good Life 2-3
9.The Squad 2-2
10.Hornets 2-4
11.Skyweezy 0-4
*** We will be moving Calvary Legends to the D League for the Playoffs.  We decided to do TOP 6 TEAMS.  So that means there will be an open slot for the bottom 6.  

As always make sure to subscribe, like, share and comment if you have any questions on this blog...


Friday, July 1, 2016

Welcome to CSBtv Blog Buzz

What the hell is this?  Good question.  I still haven't figured it out quite yet but some of our staff think it can be used as a vehicle to better inform our members and supporters of CSBtv with what's going on program to program and league to league especially since we have been broadcasting game videos and vlogs of other basketball organizations that we support.  I think my staff is on to something.  And besides, writing is a much easier process than recording a video and having to edit that bitch.  Definitely a time saver.  

So off the top of my head I think I will use this platform to do the final scores, standings, highlight some team and individual special performances and of course to talk shit.  All for fun of course.  So to all of you sensitive MF's, I want to apologize in advance if I offend you or hurt your feelings.  I am just being myself.  I don't mean any harm. 

Also since CSBtv has broaden it's content with our vlogs, I may take the liberty to do the same on this blog to discuss some things that you may or may not find informative and entertaining.  I think you all have broader interest beyond basketball and sports.  We will see how it goes.  One more thing, please subscribe, like and share if you find our content worthy.

Thank you for all your support!