Wednesday, August 3, 2016

CSBtv Reality Doc-Series

We are moving into a new and exciting direction!  With over 8 years of recording game videos and making stupid short clips on our You Tube Channel, it's time to take a leap and challenge myself and my team to take this up a notch.  We will be producing a Reality Doc-Series instead of approaching recreational basketball like we have been for the last 8 years.  It's time to stretch our creative wings.  It has been a long time coming.  

If you have not received the invitation to participate in our series, please don't take it personal.  We invited teams and players that we feel will show up every game, have respect for our project and that bring entertainment value with their combination of characters on their team.  We will be producing this seris for our upcoming Saturday and Sunday AAA rec div. 

So without further ado here are the teams that we have chosen:
  1. Code Black (confirmed)
  2. Bay Hype (confirmed)
  3. EBCK
  4. Gene's Team (confirmed)
  5. Infamous
  6. Driven
  7. Flick
  8. Drexel's Team (confirmed)
  9. Hornets (Gino's Team) (confirmed)
  10. Second Fam (confirmed)
  11. Calvary Legends

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