Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Why am I seeing you at other Bball Leagues?

Great question!  All of the Bball organizations that I support are run by friends.  And as a friend I offer my support through recording their games, doing vlogs and to share my experience as a community organizer. This is a two way street though.  They help me out as well in many ways:  they help with gym time, offer their refs and staff to help me out when I need it.  The help comes full circle and I am grateful for their support and friendship.

If it wasn't for the mentorship from Edgar with IBL, Fred and Dennis with NOYP and Paula and Mark with FIBL I would have a harder time to establish my vision for CSB.  And my vision continues to evolve as the social and economic environment changes.  With growing gym prices and gym availability problems, the organizations and the community has to compromise and adjust program expectations so that programs can be sustainable.  

I hate the notion that organizations can't work together because we are competitors.  I think that is a very narrow and non progressive way of looking at this.  It is a fact that since the Warriors have been greatly successful the interest for recreational basketball has risen.  I mean seriously, this is a sports town.  There are enough basketball players and teams out there for all of us to serve.  As organizers we have to work harder to be able to reach new talent and energy to keep the competition fair and competitive.

Shout out to PPBL, PBAddicts, IBL, NOYP and BLOL.  Continue with your great work!  See you all soon!


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