It has been a rough month and a half for CSB. Losing Chabot has hurt our programs and the refund process has been a painful wait. I want to thank the teams and players for their patience. Gym time has been hard to find and it forced our hand to get creative in designing a program to meet the community's and our budgetary needs. We have done test runs with our new program on our Thursday Invitational and Saturday COED programs and it has proven to be successful, but for our Sunday Program it has been a tough transition. It is a necessary evil in the case of our Sunday programs because of the time available to us.
In the midst of the major adjustment I think I have found our NICHE. REAL affordable basketball programs for our community that allows us to be time efficient which truly benefits our staff and I... I think spending less time in the gym has been truly a good thing for me. Being able to get 3 games in two hours is an amazing feat and it saves so much money on gym rental, staff and officials over a long season.
So moving forward:
- $625 to $650 team fee depending on the day and gymnasium
- 7 guaranteed games (6 regular season games plus playoffs)
- 35 minutes games (17 minute first half and 18 minute second half)
- 6 timeouts per game
- 15 second timeouts
- Game clock stops at 1 minute per half
- 1 min OT (1 timeout per team)
- 1 min 2OT (First team to score wins)
I understand that some teams and players may not like this adjustment but I think teams are getting more. I have always been the kind to stir things up and to put the needs of the community first, many times to the detriment of our organization. I realize now that there are a lot of MF's that just don't give a fuck. I am making it clear that we will only serve players and teams that really appreciate the work, commitment and sacrifice that it takes to develop these programs.
One of the BIG adjustments that we will be making is how we handle team fees. We will not accept CASH unless you are a team that have history of paying in FULL on the first game, otherwise we must only accept payments in advance through our Pay Pal or Venmo accounts. We will require down payments two to three weeks in advance and schedule payments 7 days prior to your team's scheduled games or your game will be forfeited. Team captains and players need to accept that we have to work together to make these programs work. We are so tired of all the excuses that we hear on game day. I have been doing this for 8 years now so I have heard everything. Believe me when I say that there are teams that pay in full weeks in advance and or on the day of their first game. So it is possible!
I know we will lose teams and players but CSB has to move in this direction in order to achieve our community goals and to take our programs to the next level. This is a team effort and we depend heavily on your support and reliability. Let the shit talking and rumors fly... I have thick skin. OUT!
Saturday AAA Rec (This program will replace the Sunday AAA Rec) @ El Rancho
Start date July 30
- Code Black
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Sunday Inter-D League @ MJCC (Late games 7-11 or 8-11 pm)